
Monday, August 23, 2010

Konner's Dinner Benefit

A couple of Police Officer's that work with Kyle (Konner's Dad) have organized a dinner benefit for Konner. It will be great fun and food provided by Olive Garden, Taverna Greek Grill, and Boon's Thai Restaurant. There will also be a Bike run as well. So Come out and enjoy the yummy food and fun. Lots and LOTS of prizes. And come Meet lil Konner!  A big THANK YOU to ALL who have helped with this event.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

pictures from the run

Konner Dowdy
All the run winners!

ALL the Amazing Volunteers

Konner's brother Kyesun

Dowdy Family

Konners extended Family

One of the bestest friends & The Organizer of the Run!

The Police/Firefighter run group

Their shirt they had made. 

Konner's other brother Kayben 

Sorry it took me so long to get these on here. hope you enjoy and THANK YOU again to all the runner's and Volunteers! You are all AMAZING PEOPLE!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

8/19/2010 Check up

So Konner had his monthly check up today. He had his blood drawn and his urine checked. He also had to get his monthly dose of Pentamidine. While we were there for 5 hours we got his blood test results and everything looked good. His white blood count was down a little but was still in the good range. We will get the results back from his urine next week. So Konner is doing good so far. He goes in for his scans on September 14 and that is our next appointment and monthly urine check as well! Thank you all for following Konner's journey and for ALL your prayers and continued support, it is GREATLY appreciated!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We finally have the internet in our house now

I am so sorry to all who read Konner's blog daily and have gotten NOTHING in the past month, Maybe even longer. We have been super busy moving and had no internet.

Konner is doing good and has been such and amazing baby during the move. We were able to go to his new clinic and it was a new experience. They are great there as well but I must say I MISS PCH!!!!!!!!!!! I think Konner would agree with me lol. Konner has been in pain lately and im not sure why. He has an appointment this Thursday to get another dose of Pentamidine and to check his urine and his blood. I hope we can figure out what is bothering him. He is growing so much and is showing his true personality. He is a HAPPY baby boy still and will make everyone smile. He also has scans coming up sep. 14th.

Again sorry for not posting sooner. I will make sure to get caught up!!

Thanks and love you ALL