
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Updates on Our Peanut

Wow its been awhile since I have updated this..... Nothing new has changed with Konner medically. His tumor is still taking on a different shape. Not really sure why but it is. Our focus now is to hope that it doesnt start to grow and it doesnt embed into his spine. He has an appointment coming up on the 21 and then we will see where we go from there. As far as his port being removed they dont want to take that out as much as they wanted to in May. They said they want to leave it in a little longer just in case he will need more Chemo. Ugh... I hate hearing that word.....

As far as Konner growing.. Things have definately changed. He is getting so big, Time sure has flown by. He has 6 teeth, He has the same BIG smile, He has the cutest personality, Loves to play outside, Loves being with his brothers and always wants to do what they do, He loves his puppies Rex & Nala, He Loves when his dad comes home from work, He loves soda, He loves hugs from mommy. He is a special guy in our lives! We surely enjoy having him here with us. We are blessed to have 3 amazing little boys!

Konner swimming in his Nana's pool

Konner being chill. He had to have that mist sprinkler in the pool with him.

The face you can never say no to

A Super Hero Cape made by Kiss the Toad Creations

Dont you just LOVE chocolate pudding?

Konner and his brother getting a ride on their dads back
Konner showing off his Motivational Rag by Cancer Kids Army 
Konner wanting to walk his puppy Nala