
Saturday, November 19, 2011


Alicia, Jennifer, Jazmine, Ashley! 

This picture I treasure. This picture is powerful. This picture is beautiful!

The above picture is something I hold dear to my heart. These are my cousins and I love them so much. These 4 girls I consider sisters. I grew up with them and treasure all of our memories. My cousin Ashley picture on the far right is a cancer fighter/warrior Angel! She battled this awful disease and did it with such strength. I remember her showing me her "tubies" as well call them now a days and I just couldnt comprehend everything she was going through. You see I was in 7th grade when she was diagnosed and I remember it so clearly. Now that I have had to face this awful disease with my own child I admire This entire family's strength. My Aunt is one of the strongest people I know. What she had to endure is something that no mother should have to go through. What my cousins Ashley's sisters had to go through is something I will never forget about. I love them so much and wish with all my heart that they didnt have to experience such pain and heartache. And my uncle John who still had to work and provide for his family. I cant imagine having to leave your baby girl behind so you can afford to pay for her to get healthy. I love you all so much and I think about Ashley often and I know in my heart that she helped Konner pull through. Her Angel is by his bed and I look at it everytime I walk into his room. 



Friday, November 11, 2011


 Yup you heard me clearly! It was a long week of scans and nerve wracking as usual! I don't think there will ever be a time when its not. You depend on these machines to let you know if your baby is healthy or not. Yesterday was really surreal. At the beginning of treatment we were told it would be HIGHLY UNLIKELY that Konner would ever be classified NED (No Evidence of Disease). This news crushed us. Of course any parent to a cancer child wants to hear those words. I have told you all countless times how much I wanted to hear those words and how Konner would never reach that.

Yesterday as we walked into the hemoc clinic my nerves built up again. I sat with Konner and his brother Kayben and colored and waited. As soon as Dr. Eshun walked in he said ok Erin I need you to sit down. He also had another Doc with him and I just was like great what happened. I had a million things running through my mind like..How am I going to do this again. I don't want to do this again. etc..... He looked at me and said "Erin, Konner is NED"!!! I was like ok.. and then paused....... He said "Did you hear me right?" I was like no... And he said "Erin, Konner is NED.... He beat cancer!" I began to cry and he said "His tumor looks to be dead. He said there might be microscopic cancer cells in it but its not producing anything and it hasn't grown. Its just dead." I asked what his chances are of his tumor growing again and he said there is a chance but its so small and HIGHLY UNLIKELY! He said Konner put up a good battle and he has won!

That is right......... My son Kicked CANCERS BUTT!!!!

As I sit and read through all the comments on his Facebook and look at all his supporters it brings tears to my eyes. You guys have all be so wonderful, so giving of your faith. You guys are like part of our family. You stood by Konner's side ready to take cancer on with him. Always lending a hand and words of encouragement. I never thought i would be able to say my son is NED! He is a cancer SURVIVOR!!!!
I know my Dad who passed aways in 2004 and my Cousin Ashley and of course our Heavenly Father had so much to do with this. My Cousin Ashley is a cancer warrior as well. She passed away from Leukemia and I know she was one tough cookie. At the beginning of Konner's battle I called my Aunt as she is the only one who could relate to me. She helped me get my fighting gloves on. She offered me the best advice and she was there for me. Thank you Auntie Donna from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

Thank you to ALL THE DOCTORS AND NURSES! Thank you to Dr. Allison Wilcox, for being the best pediatrician and making house calls to come see Konner when I was worried. Thank You for helping me get to the right care!
Thank you to Dr. Harpor Price for taking that extra step in having the initial ultrasound which found Konner's Tumor! Thank you for being so aware!
Thank You to Dr. Adelson for being such a great surgeon and removing part of Konner's tumor! Thank you for helping save his life!
Thank you to Dr. Eshun and Nurse Sharon for always being there for us and for Helping with Konner's treatment!

We thank you ALL For EVERYTHING you have done to help save Konner's life and to help him battle this disease!

Konner still has to have scans and check ups for the next 9 years but he will do it being CANCER FREE!!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Scans next week.

This little cutie goes in for scans next week. I hate this time of the month. I hate scans! I hate having to watch my baby be put to sleep. But most of all I hate not knowing how things are going to turn out!

Konner has been doing so well. He has had a cold but it has not stopped him from being his silly little self. He is such a joy in our family. He is loved by so many and im so glad he is my little guy! 

Prayers for clear scans please! 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A walk by the river

So yesterday I took Konner and his brothers to the park by the river. They loved it! The weather here is starting to get really cold. It was in the 40's yesterday but eventually warmed up to around 60. Its starting to feel like fall!!!

Its amazing at how much has been lifted off my shoulders now that Konner does not have a port. I dont worry as much as I use to and I let him be the boy he is. He loves wrestling around with his brothers. He loves not going to the Dr. when he gets sick or has a fever! Lets be honest I love it too! On October 12 it will mark Konner's first month of remission! It is such an amazing feeling. Do I get worried about relapse? Of course but I dont let it stop me from being happy and enjoying these moments with my boys!

Hope you all have a fantastic Sunday!

But before I go there is a boy in need. Our friend Justin is heading to Texas Childrens to get a second opinion and possibly get intense Chemo for his ALL. He really needs lots of prayers and support. He lives here in NM and traveling to Houston is big. Please pray for him and his family! Thank You
Prayers for Justin Facebook

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

No more Ouchie

I say no more Ouchie because thats how we would describe Konner's port to our other kids. They couldnt wait for Konner to not have an ouchie. The downside of not having a port in is now he will have to get an IV for blood draws. But that is ok. The good thing is we don't have to worry about infection and we don't have to make the 100 trips to E.R for high fevers :) There is are many feeling that we are experiencing right now. Excitement, sadness,anxiousness, relief..... just to name a few.

Excitement because we are excited to finally have his port out. to us it signifies the end of treatment.

Sadness because its hard looking back on everything our little guy has had to go through. He has lived with that port for most of his life. It was placed when he was 2 months old and he is now 19 months. Sadness because you can tell he knows he is missing something. Every once in awhile i will find him with his hand over his heart where his port was. He use to always touch it and now it is gone. That has to be hard for a little guy. To not know why it was there in the first place and to not know why we had it taken out.

We are anxious to see what the future holds for our son and for our family. We hope that it is with him staying in remission.

And relief......I'm sure you all know why.... we feel a huge relief. When we started this journey we didn't know what to expect or when we would see the light at the end of the tunnel. But we see it now and it is bright!

Having a baby with Cancer is so hard. They don't understand why they are so sick. You cant help take their ouchie away. All you can do is numb their pain. I wish that Konner understood why he had to go through everything. But i know that when he is old enough to understand, He will look at me and say thanks mom but i dont remember!

Again I can never say enough thank yous to our wonderful supporters and the AMAZING Doctors who helped save my babies life. Thank You A million Times!!!

I will keep Konner's Facebook and blog up. I will update all of his followers with pictures and how he is doing in life. Thank You for being such a huge part of our family and taking this journey with us. It does not stop here.

Can you just picture Konner in 17 years graduating! Yikes!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


I have not posted in such a long time. I think its cause I was trying to keep the video below at the top of the page :).. well alot has happened. Good things, overwhelming things, but good things! 

So on September 8th Konner had his scans to check on that tumor that they were concerned about. We got the results the following day and everything seemed great! His Neuro-Surgeon released Konner from his care. He said everything looks great and it looks like what they were worried about is old tumor. He said that it did not change characteristics and it did not grow. So with that being said Konner no long has to see the great Dr. Adelson at PCH anymore unless his Oncologists has any concerns in the future!! Yippee right......Right!!

A day later Konner's Oncologist Dr. Eshun called to say that he spoke with Dr. Adelson and they both feel that now is a great time to have Konner's Port taken out!! Woot Woot! We hung up and he called back no later then 5 minutes later to say that Konner is also in remission for REALS this time!! He said that Konner is NOT cancer free but he is in remission because his tumor is not growing and has not grown for a year.  So no more port for Konner! I cant wait for him to feel like a kid. He has not gone his almost 2 years of his life without having to get stuck with a needle, take medicine, get put to sleep every 3 months, go to the E.R. for fevers, transfusions etc. Man that's alot for a baby to go through. So on Monday the 19 Konner will once again be put to sleep and will have his port taken out! Prayers for him! 

Needless to say this is a big step for us. I have questioned myself at times. Is it ok to leave this tumor in him? Will he stay in remission? What a friend and fellow mommy to a Neuroblastoma fighter said to me was. There have been multiple parents who have decided to leave their kids tumor in and opt to not have surgery and their kids are still fine today. There is a chance that Konner's Tumor may become active again and then basically you are no worse off leaving it alone and watching it now. Does that make sense? Yes Because when we decided to leave the remaining tumor alone because it was attached to nerve endings, our doctors and us thought that was best for Konner. His tumor shrunk 80% with the chemo and he has done really well. I didn't want to risk paralyses or loss of bowel function if this tumor was going to calcify. Will he stay in Remission? I dont know, but no one knows except for our Heavenly Father. All I can do is pray hard and enjoy every minute with my boys. I can be there for Konner and I can do my part in finding a Cure! 

We as a family are so BLESSED to have all the prayers, love and constant support from EVERYONE! Konner has touched so many lives, he is famous and he doesn't even know it. I hope that one day they will find a cure for Cancer. I hope that one day they will find Why our babies get Neuroblastomas. Thank you All so much. Thank you for sharing Konner's story with your friends and family. And thank you for Always keep up with my "Little Tough Guy"!

I hope and Pray that one day Konner can look back on everything and in 10 years when his treatment plan is over say "Man that was a rough 10 years but I did it and I beat it like a CHAMP!"

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Messy Eaters Contest

Hi guys I entered Konner in a messy eaters contest. I had the perfect picture and he looks dang cute. Please vote for him. You can vote once a day until the 28 of August!


Messy Eaters Contest....Vote For Konner HERE

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Updates on Our Peanut

Wow its been awhile since I have updated this..... Nothing new has changed with Konner medically. His tumor is still taking on a different shape. Not really sure why but it is. Our focus now is to hope that it doesnt start to grow and it doesnt embed into his spine. He has an appointment coming up on the 21 and then we will see where we go from there. As far as his port being removed they dont want to take that out as much as they wanted to in May. They said they want to leave it in a little longer just in case he will need more Chemo. Ugh... I hate hearing that word.....

As far as Konner growing.. Things have definately changed. He is getting so big, Time sure has flown by. He has 6 teeth, He has the same BIG smile, He has the cutest personality, Loves to play outside, Loves being with his brothers and always wants to do what they do, He loves his puppies Rex & Nala, He Loves when his dad comes home from work, He loves soda, He loves hugs from mommy. He is a special guy in our lives! We surely enjoy having him here with us. We are blessed to have 3 amazing little boys!

Konner swimming in his Nana's pool

Konner being chill. He had to have that mist sprinkler in the pool with him.

The face you can never say no to

A Super Hero Cape made by Kiss the Toad Creations

Dont you just LOVE chocolate pudding?

Konner and his brother getting a ride on their dads back
Konner showing off his Motivational Rag by Cancer Kids Army 
Konner wanting to walk his puppy Nala

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


So we are still not home. But as of right now we are enjoying ourselves here in AZ. I still have not heard from Konner's doctors on the exact date of his scans. I know he didnt want to wait the full 3 months, instead they wanted to do them again in 6 weeks. As far as his port goes they also want to wait on that now until his next results. Konner has been a happy man lately and is liking the not seeing doctors for a couple of weeks lol. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What a couple of days

So on Monday Konner had an appointment with his Neurologist Dr. Adelson. He checked Konner out and was really excited to see him. He also showed me the scans and said he was a little concerned. He said there is an area around Konner's spine that showed a new mass. For the next 2 days we were talking to doctors non stop. They finally sat down and went over the results and looked at past scans and they came to the conclusion that the Neuroblastoma Tumor that is left in Konner has changed shape and has not grown. And that there is no new mass. He said that sometimes these tumors will do that. But just to be sure they want to rescan him again in 6 weeks. This news has given me hope that Konner is still doing good. I was really worried there and I think apart of me still is. When you hear the word relapse your world just shifts. One thing for sure is with Cancer nothing is certain and everything is unpredictable! You never know what can happen in the matter of days. I am so happy to have Konner as my son. This baby has taught me so much and one of them is to NEVER EVER take anything for granted! Happy Wednesday to you all.

Keep those prayers coming!! They work miracles and I know first hand because I look one in the eyes everyday!!!

Love to All Konner's Supporters!

Friday, June 10, 2011


So We got the results from the scans today. His MIBG scan came back negative. but when they did a MIBG SPEC (blew it up) It showed active cancer cells. He said this sometimes happens and as long as his tumor hasnt grown its ok to keep watching him. They did say they were unable to give me specific growth results because their system compared his current scans to one done in june of 2010. So they would be inaccurate. So he is going to go over everything this weekend and let me know Monday or Tuesday of next week the official results of the tumor. As long as the tumor didnt grow then we are good and will keep scanning him every 3 months. If the tumor did grow then we will have to do more chemo. So now that we know that the tumor does have active cancer please pray that it has NOT GROWN! Please Please send prayers his way!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Yesterday Konner had his x-rays and his Injection for his MIBG Scan. Everything went ok, He moved around a bit so we kept having to retake them. The techs did notice something in the images but were unsure if it was gas build up or something else. They did leave for a minute to contact a radiologist to have them read the images. They were not able to tell me what was said but did say they needed to take more images.

Today June 9, Konner was put to sleep for his MRI & MIBG scans. He is still back there and they said that the scans will take about 4-5 hours. I do not have access to the internet at RMH (Ronald Mcdonald House) But I will update you as soon as possible. We will get the results to everything tomorrow Friday June 10 @ 3 pm. I will update you with those results ASAP!

Extra Prayers tonight that it was nothing major that was seen in those x-rays. Thank you all for your continued support!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Hi everyone,

Today I am asking for prayers and lots of them. Konner goes in for scans tomorrow and thursday. We will get those results Friday. Please send prayers his way for great results!

Also if you can send extra prayers to the families in AZ who are being evacuated because of this aweful fire burning here. Myself and Konner's Dad are from towns in the white mountain communities in AZ. Please pray for the safety of the firefighters and all for all the people having to leave their homes.

To read more about the fires go to

Thursday, June 2, 2011

12 Month post treatment

So konner has made it to his 12 month post treatment check up without any complications!!! Next week Konner will have LOTS of appointments. He has to see his neurosurgeon, x-rays, MIBG injection, MRI, CT, MIBG Scan, CBC, Urine test. He does have to be put to sleep for the majority of these tests but he has done really well so far. Its crazy to think that he has come this far and is truely fighting like a champ! He is such a strong little man and such an inspiration. I cant believe that he has gone through so much in his short little life. No baby should have to start fighting cancer at just 55 days old. When we received his treatment plan we were in shock. when we thought treament we thought of maybe 2 years. But we were floored when we found out he would have to be watch very closely for 10 years! Can you believe that 10 YEARS!!!! So we are down 1 and have 9 more to go! Konner still has not been able to get vaccines because he has not yet been given the go ahead. I hope that comes soon. Last winter did not treat him too well.

Thank you All for your constant support. We feel your prayers everyday!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Konner's new facebook

Hi all so Konner recently got a new facebook. I wanted to delete my personal facebook and because of that it also deleted Konner's. So I made him a new independent one. it is on the side tab labeled Konner's facebook.

Konner's Fight

Promote Your Page Too

Happy Thursday to you all!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


As I sit here I cant help but be thankful. In just 2 days 2 children who's blogs I follow have passed away from Neuroblastoma. I am thankful my little man is doing good. I dont know where I would be without him. He completes our family and completes my heart and my soul! He is brother who is loved upon daily and a son who is cherished daily. He is a grandson who is spoiled and a cousin who is played with. He is a gift from heavenly father and one who I will never take for granted. Back when Konner was diagnosed I knew that before him I took life for granted. I didnt know it before then but after it makes you realize so much. I NEVER thought I would take anything for granted because we have been through so much as a family. 2 deployments to Iraq, 2 miscarriages, 1 loss of a baby (born at 21 wks), The loss of my dad. I just didnt want to take life for granted. Yet I did at times. Konner has brought so much to our family. I try to live everyday knowing that I have an amazing family and we have definitely been through our share of struggles. But in the end we all have each other and we have our faith. I believe that Konner will grow up to be a strong, smart and handsome young man. I know that he will beat this cancer!

Below are some picture from flashes of hope 2 and half weeks after Konner was diagnosed, these were taken in the hospital. They did a great job. Excuse me for not wearing make up. I would just cry it off so there was no point to it.

Flashes of Hope Pictures 
Taken April 22, 2010

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter 2011

Support Neruroblastoma and on the back Cancer Sucks

Konner received a Kimberly's Hope Easter Basket from Battle 4 a Cure & Miranda Allen

Happy Easter 2011 From Konner

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Konner is Officially walking. I am so proud of him and his accomplishment. He literally just started this weekend. Walking everywhere! This is big for us. Originally they thought he made need therapy. But he has proved them wrong once again. Cancer is not winning this battle. Konner is kicking Cancer's butt. He is a happy baby and is doing so well lately. He loves his brothers and our new dog Nala. He tries to lay in her bed with her all the time. He likes to play with his dad's PS3 controller and takes it away at times. He also like to press the buttons on our computers (this seems to be his favorite). We are so thankful for Konner and what he has brought to our family. He is just a happy baby and it brings faith to my life. He has been through alot but he does not let it affect him. Happy wednesday to you all! 

Konner & his brothers with their new puppy Nala

Konner in his new beanie made by Tammy Phillips

Konner and a doughnut he manage to get from the table

(I had more pictures but for some reason the ones that are edited wont come up right.)

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Yesterday I heard about the passing of Jenna Miller. Back in October of last year the Miller family introduced themselves to me at Konner's dinner benefit. They were such a nice family and they shared their story with me about their little girl named Jenna. Jenna was diagnosed with stage 4 Neuroblastoma and was putting up a strong fight. They were so positive and things were going good for her. I could feel the faith and strength these people had. They gave me so much confidence that Konner can beat this cancer. In january of this year Jenna took a turn for the worse and they learned that she had relapsed with a brain tumor, which is a common relapse area for Neuroblastoma. Once you relapse with Neuroblastoma there is NO KNOWN CURE!!! Jenna had been having good and bad days and unfortunately she is now an Angel. She did not lose her battle with cancer. Her body did. Jenna was a warrior and never let this cancer take her down. She went out with grace and love and with her parents beside her. She is inspiration to me and my family. If you would like to read about Jenna and her brave battle CLICK HERE. To The Miller Family, My heart and Prayers are with you. I will always remember Jenna. Thank You for coming up to me that day, you have made an impact in my life. Thank you and God Bless You!!

This breaks my heart. I cant believe that there is no known cure after relapse for this childhood cancer. Something needs to be done!  Our Children are losing their lives! They are not getting a chance to grow up and be adults, get married, have kids, experience what we all get to have. They are instead in the hospital getting poisoned with medicine in order to cure their cancer. I am saddened that I have yet again been impacted by another loss. I can not imagine what those families are feeling. Today I am grateful to have my Konner doing good. He has had his time dealing with this cancer devil and today because of the great doctors at Phoenix Children's Hospital he has a chance at having a normal childhood. I just will continue to pray and have faith and hope that he never relapse's once he is NED. I pray for the day that the doctor classifies Konner as NED. That day will be a holiday for the rest of our lives. Because that day is the day Konner will beat his cancer.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Results from scans done on 3/17/2011

So today was our last day at UNM and I am happy to say Thank you but Here we Come PCH and We are so Happy about this move and change in Konner's treatment!!

Konner's scan results came back good. So I think... The doctor said everything looks good may be a little smaller... Um ok I will take your Maybe and head to PCH for better care. All I can say is that Konner seems to be heading in the right direction. He is a happy 1 year old and is getting healthier and is fighting his way to being Cancer free!

He is a Warrior!!!

Thank You to everyone who reads his blog and facebook. And thank You for all your constant support and prayers! You guys are miracle workers! Thank You

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

13 months

Dont mind the food and messy hair. 

found all the good stuff

Konner in his new car

Konner before haircut, w/ justin beiber style

So grown up with his new haircut.

Sorry these next pictures are sideways. Blogger has been frustrating me lately. There is no way to fix them. For some reason every other time I try to upload pictures this is what happens. So please be patient and sorry for the mess up. 

Konner is 13 months old and is such an active boy. He has recently found all the fun things behind the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen. Fun for him but not so much for me. lol Along with turning 1 Konner also got his first haircut. He looks so much older now and I kinda miss his Justin Beiber hair. He is a fun energetic baby. He loves his brothers so very much. He also loves when his daddy walks into the room. His whole face lights up and he reaches out for him while saying daddy in the sweetest voice. Now he loves me too! He hates when I leave the room and always needs me to cuddle him to sleep. He is our baby and he is growing up way to fast! Here are some pictures from the past month.