
Friday, June 4, 2010


So yesterday Konner went in for his CT, MRI and MIBG scans. They were successful and he was already waking up when we got into the room. They said he did great and everyone just loved seeing him. Its crazy when you walk into a nuc Med room (nuclear medicine) and everyone in there gets the biggest smile and says Oh Mr. Konner we missed you. Konner has definitely brought lot of smile to peoples faces. He is such a cute little man and is so happy. We find out Monday the results of all his scans so wish him luck. And please pray for good results.


  1. Prayers, Hugs and Kisses XOXOXOX

  2. Just dropped by to see how his scans went. I must agree with everyone else he does make you smile when see him. He truly is adorable. Praying for good results here! Go Konner!
    Ps.. it was so nice talking to the other day. Can't wait to see you soon!
    Love ♥ ya.
