
Monday, July 26, 2010

picture update

(Konner's shirt says: Dont blame me, I was born awesome.)

So here are some recent pictures of Konner. We are sitting here today in our hotel room waiting for tomorrows appointment. Konner will go to his new clinic tomorrow at the University of New Mexico. We are excited and nervous at the same time. Tomorrow Konner will have his monthly urine test and also another blood test to check his ANC Levels. We hope they are climbing and not still dropping. Please pray for Konner. I will post and update as soon as we can. Konner has also turned 5 months old. He is a happy baby and absolutely loves his brothers. His hair has also started to grow back!!! Also our house is done so we will close as soon as we get back home. Then we will have internet up and running a couple of days after and I can keep up with weekly updates!

Sorry I have not posted pictures or updates on The Run for Konner's Fight and Konner's benefit Concert. I am still waiting to receive the pictures for both and the winners and such from the concert!

Enjoy the pictures. sry for the quality.. taken with my camera on my phone!


  1. he is so cute! i can't believe how much older he is looking! i hope everything goes well. keep us updated on his test results...

  2. He is MOST AWESOME !!! Love the pics. He always looks so happy.... he obviously loves the life he has !! What a blessing he is ♥

  3. Your family is in our hearts and prayers.
    Gabriel, Christian, and Alex
    The V-Knights
