
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Results are in.................

Konners 2nd set of scan results are in. They were taken last week on 9/14/2010. I got a call yesterday while grocery shopping. Let me just tell you.. As soon as she said hi Erin this is Dr. Butros my heart started racing... Lucky her next words were... Konner's scans look GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOO They look GREAT!!!!!! she said that his tumor measures about the same as it did for his previous scans. This is sweet music to my ears. I know his tumor is not going away and I know that it is still there. but it has NOT spread nor has it grown. That puts my fears at ease at least for another 2 months when he gets his next scans. Now Konner still has active cancer because his tumor has NOT calcified.

Let me just tell you how APPRECIATIVE I am right now. I have the BEST FAMILY AND FRIENDS! I have a wonderful support system. I have my baby boy still.... I am so thankful for this gift that heavenly father has given me. I am thankful that Konner has come into my life, He has showed me a the meaning in life. This baby brings smile upon smile to my face daily. I am SO VERY thankful for all of you and for all of the support and uplifting messages for Konner that you send. We are thankful that there are so many people willing to help us in any way possible. I think of when we were first told about Konner and were given his diagnoses.. that day and the feelings I had bring tears to my eyes. When you are told that your baby has CANCER you automatically think of death. I dont care who you are but if you are told that, thats what you think of. Then once you are get all the results from test upon test you tend to switch your way of thinking. I remember holding my baby just memorizing every feature of him. Just being with him and staring into his eyes. I remember staying in the hospital with him and never wanting to leave his side. Everything that Konner has had to go through in his short 7 months in life is something that most adults dont have to experience in there whole life. This baby is a fighter! This baby WILL KICK CANCER IN THE BUTT!!!!


  1. I have tears in my eyes! This is wonderful news. I admire you so much, so possitive. Konner brings smiles to everyone who puts eyes on him. We love you guys and will keep you in our prayers!

  2. I read your post on the NB list. My son, Elijah, was also dx at a young age (6 weeks old). I am hoping Konner is non-amplified, with localized disease (as is usually the case w/ the infants)? Elijah had only 2 rounds and then we watched it--we were in the COG protocol for Intermediate Risk. He is 2 1/2 now, and has had some more treatment, with surgery scheduled w/ Dr. LaQuaglia in NYC to remove his tumor that no one here in OKC would touch. Anyway, I won't inundate you with our details, your case just sounded a lot like ours. The NB list is a great place for support and information, but if Konner is not high-risk, you have to remind yourself that many if not most who comment on the list have children who are, which is very different from Int. Risk. (just say that b/c, when I first found the list it was wonderful to find the NB community but it is also a heartbreaking place). Praying the best for your precious baby. If you'd like to connect w/ another mom of an NB infant, I'm here!! :)
    Heather, mom to warrior Elijah (and to Joel, Hannah, and Ian)
