
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

pictures from phone

So today I have made a collage of my little mans 9 months of life. These are pictures from my camera phone. enjoy!

1.) A couple of hours after Konner was born.
2.) Right after Konner was born.
3.) Konner 2 weeks old.
4.) Konner 4 weeks old.
5.) Konner almost 2 months, the day we found out Konner had a tumor. we were at a D-backs game celebrating Kyle's return home from Iraq. I got a call from his dr and we left in a hurry!
6.) Konner the day before surgery.
7.) Konner right after surgery in PICU.
8.) Konner 3 weeks in hospital getting his Port Cleaned.
9.) Konner very sad in hospital still.
10.) the day Konner got out of the hospital, happy to be in his swing. 11.) Konner happy at home.
12.) Konner at clinic getting his 2nd round of Chemo.
13.) Konner's little leg after getting his daily shot to raise his WBC.
14.) Konner relaxing with the family at the pool.
15.) Konner starting to lose his hair from chemo.
16.) Konner 4 months old.
17.) Konner 5 months old.
18.) Konner 7 months old and hair growing back.
19.) Konner 8 months old and crawling.
20.) Konner almost 9 months old and pulling himself up! 

This little guy is one of the 3 reasons I wake up everyday. He is my strength and has taught me so much. He is a soldier and I know that Heavenly Father put him in my life for a reason. He has shown me what life is really about. I cherish everyday I have with him. 


1 comment:

  1. Some of those pictures make my heart break, smile, and make me laugh. What a Beautiful Child you have. So sweet.
