
Monday, March 14, 2011

Almost scan time again.

As I sit here right now I cant help but thinking about our week ahead. These times are always nerve wrecking and so is the week after. You never know what kind of news your going to get. I cant believe this is Konner's 4th set of scans Post treatment. I wouldn't even be able to tell you how many he had during treatment. It was just that much. Every time he has to be put to sleep and that alone is scary. Its so heartbreaking holding your 1 year old while he is being put to sleep for something. But Konner is a champ! This week is more evasive than the 2 previous scans. He will have the MIBG test. and I am glad they are finally doing one.

I also cant help but think about infant hospital gowns. Well Konner just barely fits into them. they are pretty big. When Konner was actually in the hospital he had to be in only a diaper because they didnt even come close to fitting him. He would also get so cold. So i went to target one day and got him those baby gowns. Well I need to make him some of his own since he will be having scans done for the next 10 years. Of course I will make him them only till he is about 5 or so. But if any of you happen to know a place that makes small hospital gowns let me know.

I also wanted to thank you all for following Konner's story and for your constant prayers. Prayers work miracles and I know that Konner is one. Thank You.

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